Thursday, September 28, 2006

In your name

Lord you have bestowed
More blessings on me than I can bear
You have crowned me with glory
Let the dew of humility seep through me
And nourish my soul
Shield me from the winds of pride
As it may dance with me today
Let it not strain my roots
Or shake my firm grip on the Earth
As it carries my fragrance with it
Let it not drain my heart of its gentleness
For the winds dry and burn moist buds
And remove their fiery petals
From their clinging to your soul
But let me sing and dance in the sun
For you have given me mush reason
Yet I am still a little bud
A helpless speck in your garden
Still waiting to blossom
Waiting for a fleeting dream to come true
Let me share the labour of my roots
With the bees and your whole creation
Let me find in the barren soil and dry air
The ingredients of pure sweetness
And dispense your perfume to the world
That I may glorify my creator
Through eternity


Rain said...

Hi Haren!

Really enjoyed reading your blogs and hey thanks for visiting my site and leaving all those interesting comments.

You seem like a very interesting person, I guess that's cause you're a Trinitian. Just like my husband.

Take care,


halwis said...

You are welcome Suranee! By the way, you are the first person who wrote into Techno Page and ended up here. You can't do anything wrong in life once you marry a Trinitian... LOL!!!
Keep in touch!