Thursday, December 22, 2005


Perhaps I am one of those curious creations of God – the kind of creation that God didn’t quite know where to put. I could even be the result of billions of years of evolution. Maybe it took many thousand generations of mutations to turn ‘me’ out of this biological soup on Earth from a single celled organism to the upright organic biped that I am. Who I am and how I got here seem trivialities when I try to figure out what the hell I am doing here now or how I am ever going to find the meaning of life. I am alive on this planet as a result of billions of years worth of biological struggle; but why?

As a kid, I was told that the whole point of life is to do well in school and get myself the best possible job. Then I thought I could pass that to become a cricket star – wouldn’t that be the life! How about a fighter pilot... or why don’t I become an architect? Not as interesting as fighter pilot? But how can you beat the fun of being an astronaut? Could I find the purpose of life by walking on mars? But why not do something more relaxing and become a writer or journalist? I was clearly going insane; thinking about being a journalist in Sri Lanka! Or was I?

A journalist I became for a while. I was covering press conferences held by everyone from elephant conservationists to gay rights movements, walking the streets of the big city and writing features. I still write features every week and get paid for my writing, but I had decided that I don’t want to write for a living. So after spending twenty four years on earth and earning a degree in computing I still haven’t figured out what the purpose of my life is.

Whether it was God who created me with a divine plan in mind, or whether I am the result of chance mutations and evolved on earth – a wonderful accident of nature, I cannot accept that I am here without a purpose; to live a life of ignorance and die a looser. I have a hunch that the reason for my very existence is out there somewhere - not among the stars where I have often gazed in awe at night, but on this blessed Earth – perhaps in the form of another organic biped with a pretty face, star-like eyes, a hypnotizing smile and a warm loving heart. I am - until I meet her – a wonderer on the face of earth.


Anonymous said...

Evolution is the answer to life....improve the pool of humanity through your actions and raise good children. It is why we are here and does not require any fairy-tale gods.

Works for me.

halwis said...

Everyone needs something to believe in and 'God' works for many including myself - even though my idea of God does not fall in line with conventional belief systems. Anyway, appreciate you stopping by - I can only admire your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think of evolution and God’s creation as two different things? May be God wanted to create us and his way was to do it through evolution? “May be”

Often we search the sciences of anthropology and the hows and whys of getting here because we want to foresee where we are getting to. And as you correctly say - everyone needs a purpose, a reason or a belief to cling on to.
Some things will never be known to Mankind and if only we could accept and live with that fact… live the very best for the moment that we have with us now without worrying about the past histories or future mysteries. If only we could accept that our purpose in life is to give and to get the very best from it…

Tasha said...

It does not matter
whether the glass is half empty or half full.
Our challenge is to fill the glass.

halwis said...

If anyone is wondering what this is all about, well... I decided to take a break from 'life' for a day. Of course that didn't work out - because I ended up trying to update my Resume and working on my website. I came to the 'about me' section and this is what came out... don't ask me how or why... I am still wondering... I mean both thinking and walking about aimlessly...