Monday, December 15, 2008

The Chinese just know these things...

I read sometime back that the Chinese term for “universe” was in fact made up of two words “Yu” (space) and “Zhou” (time). When Aristotle was building a primitive model of the universe with the stars hanging down from a crystal sphere, the Chinese had already known for hundreds of years that the universe was the unification of space and time. It was only a couple of thousand years later that Albert Einstein managed to demonstrate this in the west (albeit in clear mathematical terms).

I thought I knew what love is. Perhaps I did… perhaps I didn’t… At least I knew what it was like to be infatuated about someone to the point that it consumed every other care and reason for existence. Years have past since. I can no longer remember or imagine such an uncontrollable fire of passion. My senses have been numbed even to the desire of an incomplete soul yearning to be made whole or the desperation of a shrivelled space in an isolated corner of the universe. So I instinctively turned to the all knowing Chinese (and of course - Google) to find the meaning of love…
I wasn’t disappointed! :-D


Anonymous said...

hahahahaha...... really no comments!!! :D

Andreana said...

Ah, what wisdom!

I really think that you shouldn't marry someone because you've 'fallen in love' with them. It's really not a good basis or spend the rest of your life with someone. What do you think about arranged marriages? I reckon it's not such a bad idea to ask your family and community elders to find a good match - seems better than relying on your hormones! Then again, I'd be pretty reluctant to let my parents choose!

halwis said...

If I may answer by rephrasing what you said... "Falling in love" is "not a good basis to spend the rest of your life with someone" but neither is the fact that two people pass off as a "cute couple" in the eyes of family (and community elders?????). :-)
I don't know much, but I trust the wisdom of my own hormones and genes any day. I am however inherently suspicious of anything advocated by the community and would reconsider my own hormone induced instincts if they overlap wit those of the community... but that's just me.
I'd also much prefer my parents to - metaphorically and literally speaking - get me a gift card instead of buying the t-shirt that they're sure I'm going to like...

Andreana said...

I like the idea of my parents buying me the end, I don't really trust them. I wish that they knew me well enought to get me what I really wanted, but that's not the case so I might as well make the most of the situation and go with the gift card.

I really wish my parents knew me well enough to know who would make a good match. My parents know only a caracature of me. So I'm with you - I'd rather choose myself.

How was your Christmas and New Year?